09:00 Course starts inside the Angas Inlet Boat Club, Garden Island Boat ramp, Dolphin Sanctuary.
Essential Knowledge assessment:
- Government Regulations
- Safety Equipment and anchoring (Rule of three)
- Petrol & fire safety (Rule of three - for fuel calculation)
- Maintaining stability (Rule of three - 3 body parts touching the boat)
- Collision regulations (avoiding collision - Always get it right)
- Distance away & keeping good all round watch
- Signs, colors, shapes, messages
- Calling for help, Marine radio, requirement to assist vessel in distress
- First Aid skills required of skipper
- Practical driving models on table top.
- General assessment of knowledge through discussion.
13:00 start practical boat skills training, Garden Island Boat Ramp,
Essential Skills assessment; (Maximum of 5 course members on the boat)
- Prepare boat for launching, check safety equipment. Don life jackets and check each other
- Backing a boat trailer & launching the boat
- Entering the boat (Rule of three = 3 points of contact)
- Use of boat controls
- Recognizing speed and distances away
- Boat handling skills and man overboard recovery
- Berthing the Boat
- Recovery to Boat trailer
- Certificates issued, then use phone camera on QR Code for quick feedback.
Click on the link below to book your place Now
Go to Calendar. Click on your Boat Licence date and follow the instructions to pay deposit.
Phone Capt. Bouc on 0418 836 137 if you have questions.